Treatment of used machining lubricant
Emulsions and Oil Treatment With Turbevap Vacuum Evaporator
Water is an indispensable ingredient in metalworking. There are many types of industrial metal wastewater, and of which coolant emulsion (often a mix of 5-10% oil in the water) is one of the typical. The most common type of coolant emulsion is made up of water-soluble oils, but synthetic or semi-soluble oils and kerosene are also used. Emulsions include various ingredients such as emulsifiers, stabilizers, anti-corrosion additives, and pressure additives to perform various tasks as metal corrosion inhibitors. In addition, it is also used to cool engineered parts and tools to minimize overheating in machining and grinding applications.

In traditional machining workshop, coolant emulsions are often contaminated with heavy metals and additives, so they would not be reused, but discharged into the environment with other wastewater sources. When they are used, coolant emulsions are often stored for further elimination by specialized company. As the cost of coolant emulsions increases with more and more stringent wastewater regulations, concentrating emulsions becomes a necessity in modern workshops.

Used emulsions can be treated with the wastewater evaporator Turbevap. By distilling efficiently these emulsions, oils and other metalic contaminants are concentrated while the distilled water can be valued. Concentrated residue respresents less than 5% of the initial used emulsion volume. This allows industrial companies to reduce by nearly 95% the elimination cost of used emulsions while reducing greatly water consumption.